
“When I retired, I wanted to start doing things that I never had time to do when I was working. I was in an amazing choir, The Chorus YYJ, and I wanted to improve my singing voice. This is when I met Renn. She came to a rehearsal to teach a workshop about proper breath support and I was hooked. Dynamic, knowledgable, and kind, she taught me no matter how old you are, you can still cultivate and maintain your voice and boy! My voice has grown! My range is now broader than I could have imagined possible. She taught me how to improve my breath control and gave me the confidence to perform solo at my choir’s open mic evenings. Working with Renn was the balm that soothed the ache of isolation which we all have endured during the challenging time of the COVID pandemic. Choosing her was one of the best things I have done for myself. The passion she has for singing and music is so evident every time we meet.”
— Debra, Voice Student
”Our daughters Alison and Juliet have had the wonderful experience of music (piano, clarinet, ukulele and singing) with Renn for the past 4 years. As parents we are beyond grateful for the love of music that Renn inspires in us all.”
— Kathy & Rob, Parents
“Renn can teach so many different instruments and makes it all fun. She also takes the time to get to know you which makes me feel like she understands what I like about music. I always look forward to our weekly lessons.”
— Alison, Voice, Piano & Ukulele Student
“Renn is an awesome teacher and can teach so many different things plus she makes it really fun. I look forward to playing and learning more songs.”
— Juliet, Voice & Piano Student
“Renn is a wonderful teacher. Her approach starts with focussing on the positive traits of your existing level, which made getting into a habit of learning very accessible for me. She told me what techniques weren't working for me, and taught me new ones that have hugely improved my vocals. Hearing consistent improvement in my recordings has been amazing, and every lesson with Renn is a delight. She has my enthusiastic recommendation.”
— Jamie, Voice, Keyboard & Theory Student